Thursday, December 8, 2011

Use multiple domain hosting and reduce your hosting costs

If you the owner of several sites multiple domain hosting you your hosting costs can reduce.
Multiple domain hosting can you host multiple Web sites on a single account hosting.So you can have many sites and only numbers for a.

Generally do not purchase a site purchase a hosting account. In some cases, this hosting account can be used only to host of a single domain and thus a single site. In others, the account can be used that host to multiple domains and thus multiple websites.

There are natural advantages and disadvantages of hosting multiple domains on a single hosting account.

The biggest advantage is of course the cost. Since domains much cheaper than hosting accounts are the choice of an account that several domain-hosting offer a much cheaper way from multiple websites than buying a hosting account for each website hosting Web site.

As an example: Take a hosting provider, that offers a simple use hosting package for about £ 70 per year and uk domains for about £ 2.00 per Jahr.Host four sites:

(a) separate accounts costs: £ 70 * 4 + 4 * 2 = £ 288 per year

(b) a single account and multiple domains cost: £ 70 + £ 2.0 * 4 = £ 78 per year.

Saving is £ 210 per year.

The disadvantages are that traffic for each site is usually together counted against the single hosting account and if your sites are popular you can exceed bandwidth and or hard-disk space limits.

In addition, you can determine that the log files that can be deployed not differ between the domains such as the total traffic against a single domain is counted.

The hosting account has a single password and therefore once logged in you can manage each domain. Therefore, should each domain you belong to.

So if you need multiple domain hosting? Also, who should multiple Web sites with their own unique domain name requires this type of hosting accounts.

If you only a single domain or Web site host would not you should discard the idea; as in many cases, they are typically not more expensive than single domain hosting solutions.

You want to due to the popularity of the mini sites and resale Web page there are many hosting companies, domain-hosting specialized in the provision of more and offer significant discounts depending on the number of domains hosting.

Multiple domain hosting has the potential to significantly reduce your hosting costs, but how it the case for the election of any hosting provider, you should know what other website services about you need and choose according to your hosting provider.

You go not only for the cheapest or one that provides most services!

Stephen cope is a freelance technical trainers and the webmaster of several websites. You can learn, such as multiple domains hosting works and bring you to another website tips and items such as make your own website at

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